I was born on August 9th, 1939. Six years later on August 9th, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. I only know both events through photos and film. Now, at the age of 80, I wonder about the parade of wars, the horror of wars, the memories of endless images of man’s violence toward enemies. I wonder if humans are wired for creating bigger and more efficient methods of killing. I ponder also the life the innocent victims could have had. And I think of the last line of John Knowles’ novel A Separate Peace: “All of them, all except Phineas, constructed at infinite cost to themselves these Maginot Lines against this enemy they thought they saw across the frontier, this enemy who never attacked that way — if he ever attacked at all; if he was indeed the enemy.”
Ash Ghosts
bomber wings drop
angel reaper bombs, burn
silent faces looking up, hell burnt
ash ghosts